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Ultimate Fantasy 6 Secret Lover

Let me begin by telling you my ultimate fantasy.

What if you could have one secret lover?

I’ve always had one secret lover.

Where did you keep that book of erotic poetry?

I kept it in the bathroom at night.

Do you ever get together with that much male fantasy?

Sure. Do I have to describe it to you?

Of course not. That’s one secret. One lover. One secret lover.

Could you please leave out the “one”?

It’s just that you don’t know how to be a good lover.

Are you going to make love to me or are you just going to sit and wait for me?

Maybe I could get you a ring so we could make love together.

You can’t make love to me, you’re just a big, old, hard-on, angry, boring monster!

I don’t care what you are! Make love to me!

You want me to lie down and hold your hand while you do your French Bend? Is that what you want?

No. I’d like to feel your body against mine. I’d like to feel you in your arms, always safe and warm in my arms.

You like sex in public?

I love it in private. I love when you make love to me.

Do you want to get down on your knees and kiss me? How about it? Giggling?



Do you like to suck my fingers?


Do you like to kiss me?

Do you like to suck my nipples?

Do you like to kiss my pussy?

Do you like to kiss my ass?

Do you like to make love to my face?

What do you want to do to me?

Make love to me!

Take it out!

I don’t care.

You like to take pictures?

Picturing? Sure.

Do you like to kiss?

Do you like to watch me get fucked?

Sex and Fuck!

What do you want to do to me?

I want to take your clothes off and kiss you.

I want to get your dick deep inside me.

I want to see your balls bounce around.

I want to fuck you!

I’m so wet!

I’m dripping!

I smell of sex!

I smell of jealousy.

Do you like to hear me moan?

Do you like to feel my pussy lips?

Do you like to taste my clit?

Do you like to see my toes?

Do you like to taste my asshole?

Fuck me!

Lick my clit!

Lick my asshole!

I’m dripping!

I’m wet!

Hot and bothered!

Do you like to finger me?

I’m getting close!

Do you like to kiss?

I’m getting wet!

I’m wet and ready! All of you! Reach up and cup my breasts. Pull my hair. Pull my hair around my face. Kiss me.

Do you like to taste me?

Do you like to see my clit?

Do you like to taste me?

Do you like to taste me?


How about it?

What do you want to do to me?

Tell me you want to kiss!

Tell me you want to taste me!

Tell me you want to see my toes!

Tell me you want to taste my ass!

Tell me you want to see my pussy lips!

Shhhhh! Shhhhh!

Do you like to kiss me?

Do you like to suck my nipples?

Do you like to fuck me?

Do you like to make love to my face?

Do you like to taste me?

Do you like to make love to my face?

How about it?

What do you want to do to me?

I’m so wet!

I’m so dirty!

I’m so turned on!

I’m so turned on!

Shhhhh! Shhhhh! I’m so out of control!

Want to come inside me?

Want to fuck me!

Want to feel me grow!

Want to taste me!

All of you!

All of you!

I’m so wet!

I’m so dirty!

I’m so turned on!

I’m so out of control!

Shhhhh! Shhhhh!

Coming for me.

I’m coming for you!

Want to kiss me?

Want to taste me?

Want to see me get fucked?

Want to fuck me!

I’m coming for you!

I’m so turned on!

I’m so out of control!

Want to kiss me?

Want to taste me?

Want to make love to me!

All of you!

All of you!

I’m so out of control!

Do you like to kiss?

Do you like to suck my nipples?

Do you like to kiss my face?

Do you like to see my clit?

Do you like to feel my asshole?

Do you like to taste me?

Do you like to taste my asshole?

Hot and bothered!

Do you like to taste me?

Do you like to see my toes?

Do you like to taste my asshole?

Do you like to see my pussy lips?

Hot and bothered!

Do you like to taste me?

Hot and bothered!

Do you like to make love to my face?

I’m going to cum!


I’m going to cum!

Do you like to taste me?

Do you like to see my clit?

Do you like to see my toes?

Do you like to taste my asshole?

Do you like to taste my pussy lips?

I’m a mess!

I’m a mess!

I’m going to cum!

Do you like to kiss me?

Do you like to taste me?

Do you like to make love to my face?

I’m a mess!

I’m a mess!

I’m going to cum!


Do you like to kiss me?

Do you like to suck my nipples?

Do you like to kiss me?

Do you like to make love to my face?

I’m a mess!

I’m a mess!


You’re a mess!

You’re a really horny monster, aren’t you?

It’s so hard, I’m so horny!

It’s so hard, I’m so horny!

I want to feel you.

Such a good feeling!

Such a good feeling!

Such a good feeling!


You’re a mess!

You’re a dirty monster!

And then you feel my clit again. You can feel it building inside you. Then you feel me against your back and the first time I feel you against me, I pop! I CUMM! Such a good feeling!

And then you can feel my balls slapping against your back and the first time I feel you against me, I feel you cumming! I CUM! Such a good feeling!

And then you can feel my body shivering and slick against yours and then I can hear your heartbeat against my skin and I can hear my zipper opening as you try to pull yourself free but you can’t! You gag! You moan! I can hear your moans in your ear and then smack your hand away! But I grab it! I pull it! Hard! I grab it! I shove it free! But it’s hard! So hard! I scream! I yell! Make love to me! Make love to me! Hard! But! You can’t make love to me because then I’ll cum! Hard! CUM! I cum! Hard!

It’s so hard, I’m so horny!

Come on, baby. Keep going. Come on, keep going. Keep going! It feels so good.

How do you feel?

I’m so out of control! I feel so turned on! I want to cum! I want to feel your hot cum against my back! I want to see you cum! I’m coming! I’m so fucking excited!

You’re coming!

I’m going to cum!

I am going to cum!


Do you like to have anonymous sex in public rest rooms? Sex movies? Public parks? Sex clubs? On street corners with heavy hustling traffic? How many nonsexual friendships or acquaintances lasting for decades started this way? How many ways are there to love queers? How many ways are there to queer love?

Let me begin by telling you my ultimate fantasy. When I was. . .



Prompt adapted from A Queer History of Computing

· queer, erotic, poetry, secret, sex, lover, monster, angry, GPT-2, RunwayML