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Ultimate Fantasy 59 Feels

Let me begin by telling you my ultimate fantasy.

It’s just that now I’m being watched. And it’s not just him. There’s the television. Too bright. And in the closet. This is very embarrassing. I’m not used to being watched in the bedroom. But there are mirrors and dresser drawers. And bookshelves. And leather. And silver screens. And little caddies in tiny little outfits. So what if it’s a little noisy. And there’s a slight breeze blowing outside. And dust. And flies. And the bedroom door is open and the lights are on. I could die. Or they could hear me. They’ve all moved upstairs. I don’t know why they’re here. I do. I can hear everything. And everything’s black.

Well, I know who you are. I know that you are a homosexual. And you know that I know what it feels like to be watched and to have my dignity insulted.

I can always tell what it feels like to be watched. I know what it feels like to be touched. I know what it feels like to be touched in a way that makes your heart leap. I know what it feels like to have someone put their arm around your waist and pull it close. I know what it feels like to have someone put a pillow around your neck and try to kiss you. I can even imagine what it feels like to be slapped and to be nuzzled against a wall. Maybe it feels so real. Or maybe it’s not.


Do you like to have anonymous sex in public rest rooms? Sex movies? Public parks? Sex clubs? On street corners with heavy hustling traffic? How many nonsexual friendships or acquaintances lasting for decades started this way? How many ways are there to love queers? How many ways are there to queer love?

Let me begin by telling you my ultimate fantasy. . .



Prompt adapted from A Queer History of Computing

· surveillance, queer, GPT-2, RunwayML